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How Old Is Sanatan Dharma ?

How Old is Sanatan Dharma ?

Discover the timeless wisdom of how old is Sanatan Dharma, an ancient spiritual tradition whose origins date back trillions of years.

Sanatan Dharma’s age:

Sanatana Dharma, or Hinduism, is considered eternal, transcending time. However, it’s also estimated to be around 155.52 trillion years old according to Hindu cosmology.

As of the current date, we are in the Shveta-Varaha Kalpa, the 51st year of Brahma’s day. This is the seventh Manvantara, known as Vaivasvatha Manvantara, with 27 Mahayugas already passed.

The Kali Yuga, the last of the four Yugas within each Mahayuga, began in 3102 BCE, and only 5,117 years have passed out of its total duration of 432,000 years. This Kali Yuga is part of the 28th Mahayuga in the current Manvantara.

Current time :

The time elapsed since the current Brahma has taken over the task of creation can be calculated as

432000 × 10 × 1000 × 2 = 8.64 billion years (2 Kalpa (day and night) )

8.64 × 10^9× 30 × 12 = 3.1104 Trillion Years (1 year of Brahma)

3.1104 × 10^12× 50 = 155.52 Trillion Years (50 years of Brahma)

(6 × 71 × 4320000 ) + 7 × 1.728 × 10^6 = 1852416000 years elapsed in first six Manvataras, and Sandhi Kalas in the current Kalpa

27 × 4320000 = 116640000 years elapsed in first 27 Mahayugas of the current Manvantara

1.728 × 10^6 + 1.296 × 10^6 + 864000 = 3888000 years elapsed in current Mahayuga

3102 + 2016 = 5118 years elapsed in current Kaliyuga.

In total, the time elapsed since the current Brahma took over the task of creation is approximately 155,521,972,949,117 years as of 2016 AD, according to Hindu cosmology. This leaves around 426,883 years remaining for the completion of the 28th Kali Yuga of Vaivaswatha Manvantara.

What is Sanatan Dharma?

Sanatana Dharma, often referred to as the eternal Truth of Hinduism, has its origins deeply rooted in ancient Sanskrit literature, representing a cosmic order. “Sanatana” signifies something without a beginning or end, something everlasting, while “Dharma,” though not directly translatable into English, derives from “dhri,” meaning “to hold together or sustain.” It’s often understood as “natural law.”

Collectively, “Sanatana Dharma” can be interpreted as “the natural and eternal way to live.” In historical context, this term is considered the original descriptor for what we now call Hinduism.

Sanatana Dharma encompasses a set of duties and practices that all Hindus are expected to adhere to. These practices include virtues such as honesty, goodwill, patience, and generosity. By following this ethical code, individuals aim to attain “moksha,” a state of spiritual liberation, self-realization, and enlightenment. The practice of yoga is integral to this journey, as it enables yogis to achieve a profound union with their spiritual essence.

Sanatan or Sanatana ?

Certainly, let’s delve into the fascinating connection between the terms “Sanatan” and “Sanantana”

Scholars have engaged in a spirited debate over whether “Sanatan” in Sanskrit finds its roots in the Pali word “Sanantana,” both of which carry the profound connotation of “eternal.” Pali, the language of the Tripitaka, the sacred scripture of Theravada Buddhists, holds a pivotal role in this linguistic exploration. The Tripitaka contains a wealth of Buddha’s teachings and stories following his attainment of enlightenment.


While the Sanatan Dharma is indeed very ancient, it remains vibrant today and evolves with time. It upholds the principles of seeking truth, doing good, and understanding spirituality. What’s remarkable about it is that it welcomes people of all kinds and assists them in living a good and compassionate life. Therefore, it is not just a religion; it is a profound and significant way of life for people all around the world.

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